Meet Teeter
Teeter is the newest member of our breeding family. She has a beautiful caramel red, wavy-fleece coat. Teeter and Remington will have a litter in early 2025.
Teeter is the newest member of our breeding family. She has a beautiful caramel red, wavy-fleece coat. Teeter and Remington will have a litter in early 2025.
Born: 1/5/2023
Weight: 24 lbs
Height: 15.5"
Color: Caramel Red
Coat: Wavy-fleece
Future Puppies
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Digger is his owner’s right hand man! He works alongside him as a therapy dog & goes with him everywhere. He is pure joy & always has a smile on his face! He loves to love & never meets a stranger!
Born: 12/28/2021
Weight: 22 lbs
Height: 15"
Color: Caramel Red
Coat: Wavy Fleece
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